Nov. 8, 2022 Election Information

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This year the election will take place on November 8, 2022. Registered voters will have an option to vote by Absentee Ballots (AB) or in person. The Secretary of the State will be mailing applications for Absentee Ballot applications starting about September 7th. Absentee Ballots will be automatically mailed to all registered voters. Upon receipt, registered voters who prefer to vote by Absentee Ballots, should fill out the Absentee Ballot application and return them to the Town Clerk's Office at 302 Main Street, Old Saybrook, CT 06475, or left in the secure, state-issued ballot box, installed by the front entrance to Town Hall. The ballots will be mailed starting on October 2nd. Both applications and ballots may be placed into the drop box at Town Hall.

In order to be able to vote in the Presidential Election, citizens must be registered voters. Individuals who have have registered in the past and have not changed their residential address since then, do not have to register again. However, those who have never registered or have registered but changed their address since then, must register again with their new address.

Online Voter Registration: The quickest and easiest way to register is online here. Please register as soon as possible to ensure enough time to be processed.

Election Day Same Day Registration: If for some reason (Just moved to town, turned 18 or became a U. S. Citizen) and were unable to register, you may do so on election day at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 302 Main Street. For additional information, please click here.

Where do I Vote? Voting Poll Locations: To check where to go to vote in the upcoming election, please click here.

Track Your Absentee Ballot: If you've voted by absentee ballot, you can track it online. Head to to see if it was processed by your town clerk