Birth Certificate Request

Certified Copies of Vital Records


Birth Records are filed if the mother lived in Old Saybrook at the time of the birth and/or if the birth occurred in Old Saybrook. Birth records less than 100 years old are not open for public inspection and copies can only be obtained by certain individuals. Please see special instructions below to obtain certified copies.

Access to birth records less than 100 years old are restricted to the following persons (CGS 7-51 and 7-51a):

  • Person whose birth is recorded (if person is 18 or older)
  • Parents
  • Grandparent or guardian
  • Grandchildren
  • Spouse
  • Children (if over 18 years of age)
  • Various authorized town and state agents

Always attach a copy of requestor's identification to the completed application.

If you are requesting your own certificate and your present name differs from the original full name at birth, a document showing the name change must also be attached i.e. copy of marriage license(s).

If you are requesting a birth certificate that is NOT your own record, then verification of your relationship to the registrant must also be provided. This may be in the form of birth certificates and/or marriage certificates to show proof of lineage to the registrant. Court orders are also accepted to show guardianship. Please call our office if you have questions.

Cost: $20 per certified copy by cash or check payable to "Town Clerk Old Saybrook"

Requests can be made in person or via mail. Please provide SASE for return of document.

Mail request to:

Town Clerk
Town of Old Saybrook
302 Main St
Old Saybrook, CT 06475