School Resource Officer Program

The mission of the School Resource Officer (SRO) is to reduce school violence and drug abuse by introducing programs and enforcing violations of the law occurring on school property which will promote and enhance acceptable social behavior. The resource officer will distribute, share, advise and coordinate information on the value of teaching students the principles of good citizenship and community responsibility. The resource officer will also work in conjunction with administration, parents, faculty, and support services to provide a safe, non-threatening school atmosphere that will assist in the growth and betterment of all students.

Old Saybrook High School 
School Resource Officer Tanner

Old Saybrook Middle School
School Resource Officer Aresco

Goodwin School
School Resource Officer Rooney

Benefits of Having a School Resource Officer

  • It Humanizes the police – young people can begin to relate to the officers as people, not just as a uniform or institution.
  • It permits students to see police officers in a helping role, not just as an enforcement role.
  • It opens lines of communications between the youth and the police.
  • It opens up lines of communication between the school district and the police to deal with a wide range of issues, such as violence in the schools, drug abuse, and many other problems for which there is mutual concern.
  • It serves as a source of feedback to the police department to better understand the fears and concerns of youth in order to help the police develop problem-solving efforts which extend beyond drugs.
  • It places police in a different light with respect to many adults within the community: specifically parents, teachers, school, staff, administration, and board of education members.
  • Exposure to life in the secondary schools can broaden officer’s perspectives and understanding about concerns expressed by community members.
  • Officers can serve as a conduit to provide information to young people, particularly in direct question and answer sessions.


  • Juvenile Law
  • Search and Seizure
  • Constitutional Law
  • C.R.A.S.H.
  • P.A.S.T.
  • D.W.I. / Motor Vehicle Laws
  • Police as a Profession
  • Internet Safety
  • Underage Drinking
  • Drugs & Alcohol
  • Community Service Programs
  • Student Assistance Team
  • Gun Safety
  • Personal Safety