Official Inland Wetlands Map

The Inland Wetlands and Watercourses map for the town of Old Saybrook is a general guide to the location of inland wetlands, vernal pools, waterbodies and watercourses and the 100' upland review area that surrounds them. While the map serves as a general reference, only a field survey conducted by a certified soil scientist can be used to establish the exact location of wetland boundaries on any particular property.

This map also depicts the general locations of tidal wetlands and their 50' upland review area. Activities in tidal wetlands are regulated by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection - not the Old Saybrook Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission.

You can download and view a large format copy of the Old Saybrook Inland Wetlands and Watercourses map by clicking here. The map is a large file so it may take awhile to download.